You are not alone. (In a non-creepy way.)

Bonnie Kite
3 min readSep 5, 2021
Yeah, we all have days like that. Credits to Pim Chu on Unsplash.

Hey, if you’re reading this, know that you are not alone. And I mean this in a non-creepy, there’s-a-ghost-behind-you way.

I’m writing this because I’ve been feeling like shit lately — especially so right at this very moment. And somewhere in between my tears and self-deprecating jokes with my colleagues, I realised that there are others feeling like shit too. For the same reasons.

Haha, couldn’t resist a juvenile joke. Amazing photo credits to Jon Butterworth on Unsplash.

I thought,

Oh, how nice. I have friends. (I don’t care, anyone in the same predicament as me is automatically a friend of mine).

How lovely would it be if everyone else knew this? We would all collectively feel less like a tool.

So if you feel like you don’t know what you’re doing at work, you are not alone.
If you feel like you’re doing a terrible job at your work, you are not alone.
If you feel like you’re not producing the results you should be producing, that your boss is placing high hopes on you for, you are not alone.

If you feel like all your efforts have been for nothing, you are not alone.
If you feel like all you do is make mistakes, you are not alone.
If you feel like wtf, I didn’t even sign up for this — like literally, my job scope mentioned nothing about this — you are not alone.

If you feel like a terrible person for not constantly finding ways to do better at your job, you are not alone.
If you don’t feel like giving up your midnight Netflix binges for a Udemy course on email marketing, you are not alone.
And if you feel like giving up and calling it quits, you are not alone.


You are not the world’s only lazy slob. I am a lazy slob too. Many many people are lazy slobs.

We are lazy slobs who complain, detest hard work, fear failure, and absolutely hate falling short of expectations — both ours and others. But most importantly, repeat this after me: WE HAVE EACH OTHER.

Awkward hugs, everybody. Photo credits to Teslariu Mihai on Unsplash.

Someone out there knows exactly how you feel. He knows, she knows, they know just how difficult and tiring that crumbling, heavy, self-loathing weight feels. So take heart in that.

We’re okay.

You’re okay.

I’m okay.

We have each other. Find comfort in that, and gather your strength once more.

Hope you feel better after reading this, my friend.

There’s always strength in numbers, eh? :’) Awesome photo credits to Dominik Vanyi on Unsplash.



Bonnie Kite

I’m just here to make myself feel better by making you feel better.